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Hi! I'm Jared

We all have dreams and aspirations for how life and our careers will turn out - I'm sure at some point in our lives, we've all dreamed about being a musician, artist, actor or starting a business! The reality is that very few people actually realise those ambitions.

I think this is even more so where the dream involves succeeding in a career that is not one of the traditionally sought after careers, like finance, accounting, law, medicine and so on.

And this got me thinking...

Is there something special about those people who pursue their ambitions and ultimately achieve and live their dreams? I figure that the best way to find out would be to actually speak to some of these people firsthand and find out. 

If you'd like to join me on this journey, then please subscribe to the podcast.  If you enjoy the interviews, please do leave a rating and review - I'd love to hear your feedback.


If you have any ideas of how we can improve the podcast, would like to find out more or know of someone that could be a super guest on the show, please drop me a mail in the contact box below :) 


Thanks for submitting!

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